Embrace the hard stuff.

Embrace the hard stuff.

Imagine facing these words – “stuck, bored, unmotivated, unfulfilled, uncertain, and fearful.” For many, they seem to find their way into our lives like unwelcome guests overstaying their welcome. Oddly, despite these feelings, you might still...
Embrace Menopause with Humour and Purpose.

Embrace Menopause with Humour and Purpose.

How on earth do I define my new working hours? Well, let’s embark on this amusing journey, shall we? The house is incredibly quiet.  Why wouldn’t it be?  It’s 3am and for most normal people, it would be considered the middle of the night.  But for those...
Harnessing the Positivity Ratio: 5 simple steps

Harnessing the Positivity Ratio: 5 simple steps

Transition and uncertainty are inevitable aspects of life.  To navigate these challenges effectively, understanding and harnessing the power of the positivity ratio in 5 simple steps can be immensely helpful. The Positivity Ratio explained.  The Positive Ratio Theory...
How curiosity builds mental fitness.

How curiosity builds mental fitness.

It’s a brave woman who asks her child the following question: ‘on a scale of 1-100, how annoying do you find me?’  For my friend, the response from her child came without any hesitation. It was a solid 80%. These words were spoken with all the confidence and clarity...
The link between Mindfulness and Choice

The link between Mindfulness and Choice

What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is described as a mental state of awareness, focus, and openness to the present moment.  It involves paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surroundings in a non-judgemental and accepting way. Being someone...

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