The World of Overwhelm: A Not-So-Delightful Destination
Looking for a destination that offers all the feelings? Well, congratulations—you’ve arrived! 'Overwhelm', the destination of choice (or not) This is your chance to fully immerse yourself in a life-altering experience, one that comes with a variety of ‘attractive’...
Chasing Shadows: How to overcome distractions
Distraction has been following me around like a shadow this week. And given that we’ve had approximately zero hours of sunshine, I shouldn’t even have a shadow—but here we are. This one seems to stick to me like glue. A very clingy, very annoying glue. Now's the time...
Lesson from Vietnam
As I bask in the Vietnamese sunshine, my only responsibility right now is ensuring my husband applies sun lotion evenly across my back. 😜 Not everyone has the luxury of a holiday such as this, and it certainly makes prioritising oneself easier, especially as a...
Holiday prep: A mother’s version
The male perspective It's 8 pm the night before our much-needed family vacation. Sunshine beckons—a British blessing after a dreary winter. My husband finally wraps up work at 8:30 pm, later than promised but thrilled about his upcoming break. 'All done!' he declares,...
Get Stuff Done
I've discovered that as I 'mature,' a rather unwelcome companion has joined me: procrastination. I never had a problem with it before, but now it's my constant shadow. My brain is hijacked by thoughts like, “What can I do instead?” and before I know it, I'm knee-deep...
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